What is New Teacher Orientation?
Beginning teachers who make a career change from business and industry to the classroom, generally, have concerns that must be addressed before they begin their teaching experience. These individuals usually come with strong professional knowledge and skills in their career and technical fields but have little or no prior teaching experience. In order to address these concerns, the Center at Temple provides the new teachers a New Teacher Orientation (NTO), pre-professional instructional experience.
The New Teacher Orientation is Temple's pre-induction activity. The primary goal of the NTO activities is to facilitate the adjustment of the beginning teachers in making the transition from their former careers to teaching. They are provided with the opportunity to simulate classroom experiences with their peers. In the process, they are oriented to best teaching practices and strategies. In addition, they receive information about instructional resources and curriculum materials.
Contact Information
Center for Career and Technical Education
Email: cteadvising@temple.edu
Phone: 215-204-6025