The Center provides outreach services to teachers of career and technical education (CTE) students who have disabilities and/or are disadvantaged. The Center recognizes that the needs of CTE educators serving students with special needs are many and varied and that these educators need information and resources to enable them to function effectively. Therefore, the Center maintains an effective support program to affect the performance of these individuals.

To realize its goal, the Center focuses on three educator categories: (a) pre-professional CTE teachers who are pursuing their Career and Technical Instructional I and II certificates; (b) experienced CTE teachers and administrators who attend the Continuing Technical and Professional Development (CT&PD) workshops, seminars, and academies regularly offered by the Center; and (c) CTE educators who are pursuing their Career and Technical Supervisors and/or Directors certificates. The Center achieves its objectives through a variety of presentation formats. These include orientation workshops for beginning teachers, individualized context-rich assistance for more experienced teachers, and generalized information workshops and seminars for local educators. In addition, the Center provides a liaison to the Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Education Special Populations (PACTESP) to offer input and report new developments in the special needs arena to Center faculty and staff. 

Contact Information

Center for Career and Technical Education
Phone: 215-204-6025