A new paper published by the Wisconsin HOPE Lab, founded by Dr. Sara Goldrick-Rab, professor of higher education policy and sociology, describes the first field experiments conducted on approaches to alleviating food and housing insecurity among college students. The three studies described in the paper were led by Goldrick Rab and assistant professors Dr. Katharine M Broton of the University of Iowa and Dr. Daphne C. Hernandez of the University Houston These studies also included the work of Dr. Sarah Cordes, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at Temple University,
The Kresge Foundation served as an integral component of this research as the exclusive provider of external funding. These efforts allow the HOPE Lab to shed light on the nation-wide issue of housing and food insecurity among college students. The HOPE Lab aims to shift the current problem space into the solution space. Read the paper "Addressing Basic Needs Security in Higher Education."