The School Psychology program follows a scientist-practitioner model. This model of training emphasizes a school psychologist's basic skills as derived from a thorough understanding of the science of psychology. Armed with this understanding of basic psychology, the school psychologist can adapt to changing professional demands and help determine the future of the profession. Without this background, a psychologist could only serve the role of a technician, and would be poorly equipped to overcome any obstacles or lead new developments in the profession.
Academic Programs
Program Contact
Jessica Reinhardt, associate professor of practice, is the program coordinator of the School Psychology program.
Program Features
- Clinical practicum experiences in local schools beginning in the first year and lasting throughout the program.
- Only APA accredited School Psychology program in Philadelphia.*
- Program focuses on training students across ten domains of school psychology.
- Multi-disciplinary faculty focus and expertise that provides a broad look at the field as well as specialties within school psychology
- Integrated scientist-practitioner model.
- Opportunities to participate in clinical and research opportunities in the Philadelphia area.
- Opportunity to pursue Board Certification in Behavior Analysis together with School Psychology Certification.
Psychoeducational Clinic
Temple University’s Psychoeducational Clinic provides comprehensive psychoeducational evaluations for adolescents, children and young adults who are experiencing academic difficulties. Such difficulties may be related to behavioral, emotional or social problems; learning disabilities; or neurological impairment.
School Psychology Conference
The School Psychology Conference is a convening of nearly 200 practitioners, faculty, and students to discuss and exchange information on a variety of topics relevant to the field of school psychology. These topics have included how to address the opioid crisis, how to appropriately and accurately assess English language learners, and how to provide trauma-focused interventions for students with conduct disorder, among many others.