Temple's Career and Technical Administrative Director (grades 7-12) certificate program is organized around the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Expectations for Professional Education for School and System Leaders.  The program is aligned to the Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) standards-based continuing professional education program.  Leaders who complete this program will:

  • demonstrate knowledge and skills to think and plan strategically, creating an organizational vision around personalized student success.
  • develop standards-based systems theory and design and transfer that knowledge to the job as the architect of standards-based reform in the school.
  • access and use appropriate data to inform decision-making at all levels of the system.

Through Temple's program, you will develop the leadership practices and skills necessary to:

  • create a culture of teaching and learning with an emphasis on learning.
  • manage resources for effective results.
  • collaborate, communicate, and engage with others inside and outside of the organization; and empower others to pursue excellence in learning.
  • operate in a fair and equitable manner with personal and professional dignity.
  • advocate for children and public education in the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
  • support professional growth of self and others through practice and inquiry.

Program Requirements

Project-Based Learning

Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses include a project-based learning component that is typically conducted in the candidate’s school. Students must complete projects for each course that will require the application of course content in a real-life setting.  Students work closely with their school’s director in carrying out the projects. Each candidate must submit a letter from their Administrative Director or other appropriate administrator indicating that they are willing to serve as the student’s mentor and to acknowledge an understanding of the project-based component of the program.   

Course Requirements

The program consists of nine courses, offered online, and an internship.  Candidates must complete the courses (or their equivalent) with no less than a 3.0 GPA to be accepted into the internship/seminar part of the program. Students must complete the application and receive notification that they are officially accepted before they can enroll in coursework.

Required Courses

Required Courses for Career and Technical Administrative Director Certificate Program including courses and course titles



CTE 5423


Leadership in Career and Technical Education


CTE 8501


Curriculum Development for Programs of Study in Career and Technical Education


CTE 8507


The Role of Career and Technical Education in Workforce and Economic Development


CTE 8521


Collaborative Processes for Effective Career and Technical Education Programs 


CTE 8527


Program Planning, Evaluation, and Systems Alignment in Career and Technical Education


CTE 8528


Creating a Culture of Teaching and Learning in Career and Technical Education Programs


CTE 8589


Managing Resources and Data Driven Decision Making in Career and Technical Education


EDAD 5302


Contexts for School Reform


EDAD 5303 OR
EDAD 5304


Leadership in Diverse Context OR
School Operations, Management, Technology


CTE 9885


Internship in Career and Technical Education

Required Courses for Career and Technical Administrative Director Certificate Program including courses and course titles



CTE 5423

Leadership in Career and Technical Education

CTE 8501

Curriculum Development for Programs of Study in Career and Technical Education

CTE 8507

The Role of Career and Technical Education in Workforce and Economic Development

CTE 8521

Collaborative Processes for Effective Career and Technical Education Programs 

CTE 8527

Program Planning, Evaluation, and Systems Alignment in Career and Technical Education

CTE 8528

Creating a Culture of Teaching and Learning in Career and Technical Education Programs

CTE 8589

Managing Resources and Data Driven Decision Making in Career and Technical Education

EDAD 5302

Contexts for School Reform

EDAD 5303 OR
EDAD 5304

Leadership in Diverse Context OR
School Operations, Management, Technology

CTE 9885

Internship in Career and Technical Education

Required Courses for Temple's Career and Technical Administrative Director Certificate Program including courses and course titles

Oral Assessment

Upon completion of the program, candidates must complete a Council of Educators (COE) Review.  The COE is a performance assessment in which an Administrative Director and the Leadership Program Coordinator review a candidate’s competence in the program competencies and assess the overall quality of the culminating project that the candidate completes during the internship.


For Vocational Director, students are required to successfully complete the Praxis Assessment #6990 – School Leaders Licensure Assessment.  Visit the ETS site for the most current testing requirements

Program Completion and Certification

Candidates who complete all program requirements, hold no less than a master’s degree, and meet other Pennsylvania certification requirements will be recommended for the Vocational Administrator Certificate.


The Administrative Director’s program is a graduate-level program that can be completed as a stand-alone certification program if a candidate holds a graduate degree.  If, however, a candidate does not hold a graduate degree, he/she must apply and be admitted into the Career and Technical Education MSEd program in order to be awarded the director’s certificate. 

Individuals seeking admission to the program must: 

  1. Submit a formal application. Contact us at cte-pd@temple.edu.
  2. Submit a letter of recommendation from an administrative director
  3. Provide official transcripts of all collegiate and graduate coursework
  4. Submit a copy of the most current professional certificate
  5. Submit a personal resume

The minimum requirements for admission to the program are:

  1. A graduate degree or accepted into a graduate degree program at Temple University.
  2. A graduate grade point average (GPA) or an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0.
  3. A strong letter of support from an administrative director or a designated Resident Leadership Resource Person (RLRP),
  4. An admission interview with the program coordinator.

Contact Information

Center for Career and Technical Education
Email: cteadvising@temple.edu