Registration for the School Psychology, Counseling Psychology and ABA Conference opens on January 5, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. and closes on March 13, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. An early bird discount will apply for those who register and pay the fee by February 15, 2024. Full registration will be charged for payments received between February 16 and March 13, 2024. All purchases are final sale. No refunds available unless due to the conference being canceled. In the event the conference is canceled, full refunds may be requested with proof of registration. 

Registration Fees


Early Bird


ASPP Member 



CORA Members 



Employee Philadelphia School District 






Non-CEHD Faculty 



Non-Temple Student



*Temple students and SPSY, CPSY, and ABA site supervisors attend for free.

Featured Presenters

Featured presenters include leading scholars, practitioners, and activists representing the fields of school psychology, counseling psychology, and ABA. Learn more about the featured presenters.

Keynote Speaker – John Murphy, PhD (he/him)

Keynote Title: The Secret Sauce of Therapeutic Solutions

This keynote session highlights the role of clients’ indigenous resources in co-constructing therapeutic solutions with children, adults, and families. Every client offers a unique set of resources that can help move forward from depression, anxiety, trauma, and other challenges. Drawing from the practical principles and practices of solution-focused counseling, Dr. Murphy will use client examples, real time and videotaped demonstrations, and short experiential exercises to describe how practitioners can partner with clients in culturally responsive ways that honor their resources and accelerate solutions.