Doug Lombardi, associate professor in the Department of Teaching & Learning recently authored an article in the American Psychological Association (APA) Psychological Science Agenda. In his work, Lombardi discusses how to shift people's judgments toward the scientific involves teaching them to purposefully evaluate connections between evidence and alternative explanations. Read the full article.
Doug Lombardi, PhD, is an associate professor in the department of teaching & learning at Temple University. As the head of the Science Learning Research Group, he conducts research that focuses on effective teaching tools and strategies that facilitate students' reasoning and critical thinking about socio-scientific topics. Particularly, he thinks about ways to teach and learn about scientific topics that pose local, regional and global challenges, such as causes of climate change and availability of freshwater resources. Lombardi has received early career research awards from the American Education Research Association's Division C (Learning and Instruction) and NARST: A Worldwide Organization for Improving Science Teaching and Learning Through Research. His research and theoretical positions have been published in journals such as Educational Psychologist, Science Education, Contemporary Educational Psychology, and Learning & Instruction.