Since 2011, Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation of Philadelphia has been recognizing and rewarding school principals who have made significant leadership and humanitarian contributions to his/her school community.
For the 2020-2021 year, the Lindback Foundation awarded 60 distinguished teachers and seven principals from Philadelphia public schools who demonstrate excellence in promoting learning at the highest levels. The teacher award recipients were chosen based on their activities that improve the intellectual and character development of students. Similarly, the Lindback Distinguished Principal Award recognizes and rewards school principals who have made significant leadership and humanitarian contributions to his/her school community.
Three of the seven principals awarded the prestigious award are CEHD graduates.The graduates are Pauline Cheung, Principal, Key Elementary School, BSEd '02, Cert '02; Lisa Mesi (Lisa Mesi Hood), Principal, Philadelphia High School for Girls, BSEd '96 and Luke Hostetter Principal, Baldi Middle School, current EdD student.
Read more about the 2020/2021 Lindback Foundation Distinguished Principals and Teachers