There are things in life we have to do, but sometimes we get to choose how we do them. Now is the time to take control of your GenEd experience at Temple with these opportunities from the College of Education and Human Development available to students in any major.
Registration is already underway for summer and fall courses. Don't miss your opportunity to register for our featured courses!
Note: Several of the courses listed below are offered in multiple semesters. Summer courses are offered asynchronously online in six-week terms.
AOD 0836 Interpersonal Communication: Critical Competencies for Professional and Personal Success
Summer I, Summer II, Fall
Enhance your interpersonal communication competence so you have successful interpersonal communication with your family, friends and colleagues. Assess your own communication skills, and develop and set personal goals and an action plan by which to create the change you wish to see.
EDAD 0855 Why Care About College: Higher Education in American Life
Summer I, Summer II, Fall
Look at the relationship between higher education and American society. Learn how higher education is shaped by the larger society and how, in turn, it has shaped that society.
EDUC 0806 It's Bigger than Hip-Hop: Exploring the Evolution of Race and Identity Through Hip-Hop
Summer I, Fall
Hip-hop has evolved into a worldwide phenomenon. It is now a global force, ubiquitous with mainstream culture. Explore, analyze and critique the beliefs, practices and behaviors associated with hip-hop in the context of the conditions of systemic racial oppression and marginalization.
EDUC 0809 Race and Diversity in Children's and Young Adult Books: Reading Between the Lines
Develop and explore multiple understandings of race and diversity through reading and examining literature intended for children and adolescents. Explore historically popular and current picture-books, chapter books, graphic novels and young adult fiction that features characters from traditionally underrepresented racial groups.
EDUC 0815 Language in Society
Summer I, Fall
Explore questions such as: How did language come about? How do people co-exist in countries where there are two or more languages? How do babies develop language? Should all immigrants take a language test when applying for citizenship? Learn how to collect, analyze and interpret language data, and how to make informed decisions about language and education policies.
EDUC 0817 Youth Cultures
Summer I, Fall
Often related to gender, race, class and socio-economic circumstances, youth cultures enable young people to try on identities as they work their way to a clearer self. Investigate several youth cultures, looking closely at what it means to belong. Students will come to appreciate how the media and marketing construct youth identities and define youth cultures around the world.
EDUC 0819 Tweens and Teens
Summer I, Summer II, Fall
This class on human development takes a close look at one of the most confusing, exciting, and critical phases of development, the pre-teen and teen years. Using literature, TV and film, as well as articles and books, the course will explore how children grow into teenagers, how they survive the challenges of adolescence, and how they become productive adults.
EDUC 0823 Kids in Crisis: When Schools Don't Work
Summer I, Summer II, Fall
Examine three pressing social problems in American society that play out in our schools - segregation and racial isolation in schools, school violence and dropout. Explore questions such as: Can schools "solve" social problems? How do schools and teachers participate in the social construction of race? How does a student's race influence his or her experiences in American schools?
EDUC 0865: Albums and Algorithms
Explore lyrics, beats, music history, and the health and wealth of artists and the music industry using tools from statistics and data analysis. This course helps students explore and consider potential explanations for different phenomena they might observe while learning about music, such as how hip-hop record sales have changed throughout the last 25 years.
SPSY 0828 The Meaning of Madness
Summer I, Summer II, Fall
What is madness? Insanity? Mental illness? Who decides where the line between madness and normalcy is drawn? What is "stigma" and how does it affect individuals with mental illness? Explore biological, social and cultural factors that influence mental illness, perceptions of individuals with mental illness, and treatments of mental illness over time and across cultural groups.
URBE 0855 Education for Liberation Here and Abroad
Summer I, Fall
Students will critically analyze international films, course readings and presentations from guest speakers as they explore educational issues in urban America and indigenous educational traditions in the "Third World." Investigate the impact of culture, poverty and development, and the goals of education in various societal contexts.