Headshot of Sonai Chaudhuri
Image provided by Sonai Chaudhuri

Sanghamitra (Sonai) Chaudhuri's journey into academia began when she was a chemistry major. "I found myself more captivated by solving real-world problems faced by my dormmates and peers than by observing chemical reactions in the lab," she said. Through her interactions with her peers, her true passion emerged, and she was driven to engage in solving real-world challenges. This experience set her on a dynamic career path in human resources, marketing and organizational development. Her academic curiosity about employee commitment and performance drove her to pursue a PhD in human resource development, a field where she continues to make significant strides. 

New to the faculty at Temple University's College of Education and Human Development (CEHD), Chaudhuri brings a rich experience and an inclusive approach. "Temple's mission and values resonate deeply with me," she shared, noting diversity and academic rigor. She adds that her experiences at institutions committed to serving diverse student populations with large numbers of first-generation and non-traditional students made Temple a natural fit. 

Chaudhuri's teaching philosophy centers on co-creating knowledge with her students, adopting a culturally responsive approach that meets learners where they are. "I see myself as a guide by the side, not a sage on the stage," she explained. Her classroom is a dynamic space for critical thinking and challenging the status quo, embodying her belief that genuine learning happens at the intersection of adoption and adaptation. 

Her research is deeply personal and reflective of her lived experiences as an immigrant, woman of color and academic. From exploring reverse mentoring to studying the intersectional identities of Asian immigrant women, her work is both groundbreaking and impactful. Her most recent publications include a trioethnographic study on relational mentoring among international Asian women scholars and an exploration of work-life balance for immigrant academic mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Both studies underscore Chaudhuri's commitment to addressing real-world issues through academic inquiry. 

Beyond academia, Chaudhuri is a speaker and consultant, with engagements spanning institutions and global organizations. Her expertise has been recognized in outlets like The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. Her dedication to bridge the gap between research and practice is evident in her contributions to the Academy of Human Resource Development and her leadership roles on various academic boards and programs. 

Furthermore, Chaudhuri emphasized the importance of balance: "Professional success is important, but it shouldn't come at the expense of quality time with family and friends." Her hobbies—writing poetry, traveling and playing games with her family—help her maintain that balance and keep her grounded. 

At Temple's CEHD, Chaudhuri hopes to continue inspiring students and colleagues, and promoting lifelong learning.


View Sonai Chaudhuri's faculty profile.