Describe the instructional context of the lesson. Who are the students this lesson plan was designed for? Describe student attributes such as grade/age, linguistic and cultural backgrounds, prior school histories, etc. Also describe how the lesson is situated in terms of what precedes the lesson, what follows it, and if possible, how it related to what is being done in other classes/subjects.
Desired Results
What are you trying to accomplish with the lesson? What do you want the students to know and be able to do at the end of the lesson? Consider not only the standards and objectives addressed by the lesson, but also the big ideas or concepts you want the students to understand about the topic by the end of the lesson.
How will you know whether the desired outcomes were achieved? Describe how you will assess the specific objectives and understandings listed above. How you will determine if the students have gained understanding about the big ideas/concepts? How will you know if they are able to perform the skills taught in your lesson? How will you hold the students individually accountable for their learning?
Learning Plan
What about prior sessions with the students and your knowledge of students in general prompted you to select the objectives and develop the ideas in this lesson plan as you did? Be specific. Consider what theory is driving your instructional decisions as well as how you plan to incorporate the Temple teaching standards into your lesson.
Explain how you will address the needs of the range of students you identified in the context. Be sure that your lesson objectives, assessment, rationale, and procedures all reflect this plan to differentiate instruction.
List the materials needed for this lesson, including technology. Where appropriate, attach all materials to the lesson. Please cite your sources where applicable.
You should explain as specifically as possible all of the major episodes of the lesson and estimate how long each will take. Make sure to include an introduction to the lesson and an opportunity for practice. Be very specific about the details of the lesson plan, such that someone who did not observe the class could imagine how it went or someone, in your absence, could use the plan to teach it the way you intended. For example, if you want to discuss something, how will you facilitate the discussion? What will you say? What difficulties might you expect the students to have, and how will you respond? How will your plan meet the diverse learning needs of all students? Make sure that you include assessments that provide evidence of what students know and can do and indicate how your procedures might be affected by what you learn.
A. Explain how you are prepared to adjust the lesson depending on your analysis of the evidence that you collected or highlight the ways you have made your teaching contingent on what you learn as you teach if you’ve indicated that in your procedures. Explain how the evidence that you collect might be part of systematic data collection that would help you think about something more than the effectiveness of this particular lesson.
B. Reflect on how the lesson went. What did the students learn and what is your evidence? What went well and why do you think so? What would you change if you were to teach the lesson again? Why? Consider how theory might explain some of the things you observed. Explain how the formative and/or summative assessments for the lesson influenced your instruction during this lesson and/or how the results may impact future lessons.