Adjunct Faculty Titles

When assigning rank, consideration will not only include educational requirements, but also the experience and effectiveness of an adjunct as well as academic and/or professional attainments relevant to their work at the university.

  1. Appointment as Adjunct Instructor is usually based on the attainment of a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or equivalent qualifications.
  2. Appointment as Adjunct Assistant Professor is usually based on the attainment of an appropriate terminal degree or equivalent qualifications.
  3. Appointment as Adjunct Associate Professor is usually based on the attainment of the qualifications necessary for Adjunct Assistant Professor, with substantial experience in teaching, additional professional licensure, research/creative work in the intended field of appointment, and such experiences as it pertinent to the duties as an adjunct faculty member.
  4. Appointment as Adjunct Professor is usually based on the attainment of the qualifications necessary for Adjunct Associate Professor, with the candidate having attained a substantial reputation in their field as evidenced, for example, by a significant record of publications, presentations, or creative works in the intended field of appointment or who has received substantial honors or recognition in their field of endeavor.

Adjunct Faculty Compensation Scale

  1. In considering base compensation, consideration will not only include educational requirements, but also the experience and effectiveness of the adjunct faculty member as well as academic and/or professional attainments relevant to their work at the university.
  2. The College of Education and Human Development has established the following specific minimum pay rates for adjuncts at each rank above instructor. 




Compensation Scale

Minimim Per Credit Rates for Adjunct Instructors

Adjunct Rank

Per Semester Hour (Effective 07/01/2020)

Per Semester Hour (Effective 07/01/2022)




Assistant Professor



Associate Professor






Lists the rank and corresponding rate per semester hour as of 2020 and 2022

Regardless of rank, a per student rate of $700 will be made for independent studies or courses that would have otherwise been canceled due to low enrollment

  1. Adjuncts hired prior to the implementation of these guidelines (June 5, 2020) shall maintain their then-current rank and pay if at or above the established minima.  Such an adjunct may request a formal evaluation in order to be considered for a change in rank/pay, regardless of the date of any previous evaluation.
  2. Absent exceptional circumstances or where different qualifications exist between disciplines, an adjunct’s rank and base pay within a college or school shall not be decreased in subsequent appointments once an agreement letter has been approved by the Dean.

Adjunct Faculty Appointment Letters

Adjunct faculty appointment letters shall include:

  1. Rank, rate of base pay, and for adjunct faculty with teaching assignments, the number of credits for each course;
  2. Information regarding criteria for hiring adjunct faculty at each title and state that each school’s guidelines may be requested from their chair;
  3. No adjunct has a reasonable assurance for re-appointment until an appointment letter is issued by a hiring department; and
  4. Teaching experience as an adjunct at Temple University shall be taken into consideration when applying for a full-time faculty position at the university.


Each newly-hired adjunct will have access to an orientation session (delivered either in-person, virtually, or previously recorded), contact information for a chair or other faculty member within their department for support, consultation, review of course materials, classroom observation, referrals to the Center for the Advancement of Teaching, or other university resources. 


Requesting an Evaluation

  1. Adjunct faculty members may request an evaluation by writing to their department chair in order to be considered for promotion or pay increase.
  2. A chair or other designee may elect to conduct a more expanded evaluation on any adjunct at his/her/their sole discretion at any time.
  3. An adjunct faculty member can send a written response to go in their personnel file by sending an email to their department chair with copy to CEHD Academic Operations: cehdops@temple.edu

Timing and Method of Evaluation

  1. An evaluation will normally occur in the semester in which it is requested, provided the required resources are available and the request is made prior to the completion of the first 4 weeks of the semester.  If it cannot be done in the semester in which it is requested, it will be done in the next semester in which they are employed.
  2. Evaluations shall include multiple measures of performance which may include, but is not limited to, classroom observation, a review of course materials, student projects and/or assignments, peer reviews of teaching pursuant to College policy 1-100, as well as course syllabi and Student Feedback Forms.  Student Feedback Forms will not be used as the primary tool for evaluation except in the case of exceptional circumstances.  The determination of exceptional circumstances is in the sole discretion of the university.
  3. Those designated to make personnel recommendations will be responsible for conducting evaluations when requested. If a designee is appointed, they will send a written summary of the evaluation to the appropriate personnel decision maker.
  4. Decisions regarding promotion in rank or pay resulting from an evaluation are in the sole discretion of the school/college.
  5. The evaluator will endeavor to provide the adjunct faculty member with a written summary of the evaluation within 30 calendar days of the review.  The summary will be placed in the adjunct’s departmental and personnel file. 
  6. An adjunct may request a formal evaluation at any time, but no more than once during any 2 successive semesters of employment. 
  7. An individual who is designated to make personnel recommendations may evaluate an adjunct teaching in their college/school at any time.  Normally, an adjunct will be provided with at least one (1) week’s notice of an evaluation.  Under exceptional circumstances, the university in its sole discretion may conduct an evaluation without notice.  If production of student work is requested, the adjunct will be allowed up to an additional week to assemble and provide the requested materials.
  8. An adjunct who receives an unsatisfactory evaluation may provide a written response which will be placed in the personnel file.  If a response is submitted, a note will be placed in the departmental file stating that a response is included in the personnel file.

Multi Semester Appointments

  1. Any adjunct faculty may be appointed for single or multiple semesters.  Multiple semester appointments do not need to be for consecutive semesters and may extend beyond an academic year.  Appointment letters must state the semesters/years that the adjunct will have teaching assignments.
  2. A multi-semester contract need not initially specify a course assignment beyond that in the first semester, but will commit to hiring for the additional semesters.
  3. The assignment of multi-semester appointments will be at the discretion of the dean.
  4. If an adjunct teaches in multiple departments within a school, a multi-semester appointment may be coordinated through the dean’s office which will specify which department the adjunct will teach in during each semester of the appointment.