College of Education and Human Development alumni are in the capable hands of Germaine Edwards, president of the CEHD Alumni Association.
The CEHD Alumni Association, which is led by an advisory body of members appointed to serve for three years, represents the diverse interests and needs of graduates and other attendees of the college.
Now in the third year of her second term as board president, Edwards, a three-time Owl, has been on the board since 2008 serving first as a board member, then as interim chair, and finally as president for two terms.
"Dr. Edwards and the CEHD Alumni Association Board members have a wide variety of experiences in and around Education and are passionate about sharing their time and experience in support of Temple's students and alumni," said Ed Stoner, assistant dean of development and alumni relations in the College of Education and Human Development. "They have been a sound resource for Derek Coffman and me as we have gotten settled into our roles for the College of Education and Human Development," added Stoner.
Edwards brings to the board more than 20 years of experience in education, community relations, Emmy Award-winning public relations, student development and workforce development. She is an effective communicator, planner and organizer, with a reputation for working independently or as a team member. She is experienced in coordination and management of academic, career readiness and job training programs.
"I met Germaine in 2016 when I was voted onto the board. We connected over things like wanting to support pre-professional teachers and Philly," said Dara Ruiz-Whalen, a current board member. "She is a strong leader and is always at the forefront, working hard to see that the college succeeds in its mission to promote change and leadership through education," added Ruiz-Whalen.
Edwards came to Temple University as an undergraduate communications major. "I loved communication and education. At the time, Temple had a master's program that wed the two," said Edwards.
"I get to play with technology and use it in education," added Edwards when she decided to major in the college's Curriculum and Instruction in Technology in Education program.
She went on to receive her master's and doctorate degrees from the College of Education.
Edwards is involved with several alumni governance programs with the university. She is big on alumni involvement and keeping the connection with the university.
Looking ahead, the CEHD Alumni Association Board is planning a fall Game Night after exams and a spring event for practitioners in the field.
"My board has been great," said Edwards. "They have been very supportive, true Temple to the bone alumni; they are willing to do what's needed for the good of our students and the university," added Edwards.
The Board is open to ideas and membership. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Alumni Association board, and/or know of an individual that would make a dynamic Association leader, please complete the nomination form online via the following link
Nominations are taken year-round, though they are not reviewed until the fall for appointments in July.