June 2021

Sarah Dessen, an author of teen novels wrote, “In the summer, the days were long, stretching into each other.  Out of school, everything was on pause and yet happening at the same time, this collection of weeks when anything was possible.”  

That quote seems very fitting for this year at Temple. Graduation has come and gone. School is out other than some summer school classes, yet much is happening, and anything is possible. Preparations are underway to welcome students, faculty, and staff back to campus and to in-person classes this Fall.  The next president for Temple has been named with Dr. Jason Wingard set to begin his new role on July 1, 2021. Another issue of The Educator is on its way electronically. The CEHD Alumni Board is building its calendar of events and looking for new members, and the Ritter Hall and Ritter Annex renovations continue to move forward.  We are also beginning plans for virtual, in-person, and hybrid alumni events and lectures for the coming academic year. So, while school may be out for most, there remains a lot happening this summer.  

We welcome your thoughts on the types of events you would like to see offered, the topics of interest to you, and, of course, if you would be interested in leading or being an active part of these events as well. Let us hear from you at alumni.ed@temple.edu.

And, for the part about everything being on pause, the alumni eNewsletter will be taking a summer break and return near the end of August to kick-off our fall semester.

Enjoy your summer!

Ed Stoner
Assistant Dean of Development and Alumni Relations
College of Education and Human Development
Temple University