November 2021

At this time of year, we are reminded to be thankful. Even though it may not have been the best year, or our recent experiences may have felt to be less than desirable, as Roy T. Bennett said, “Be thankful for everything that happens in your life; it’s all an experience.”

Our development and alumni relations team is thankful to have the ability for the first time in nearly two years to experience meeting some of you in person and share some of the exciting things happening at Temple and in the College of Education from the Ritter Hall Renovation to the Centennial Scholarship Matching Fund Challenge to virtual and in-person events. During some of our visits we have heard many of you express appreciation for and fond memories of your experiences at Temple. Your Temple Stories are often at the root of why we do what we do…educating tomorrows teachers and leaders, while promoting education as a primary mechanism for social mobility for all learners.

We are thankful for the experience of hearing your Temple Stories and look forward to sharing some of them and the ways in which you have applied your Temple degree(s) in support of others with the rest of our Temple CEHD community.

If you have a Temple Story or experience for which you are grateful and would be open to sharing with us and/or our community, please let us know at

Thank you for being a part of and helping make our Temple CEHD community a special place that can deliver experiences for which we all can be thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

With Gratitude,

Ed Stoner, EdD
Assistant Dean of Development and Alumni Relations
College of Education and Human Development
Temple University