To the College of Education and Human Development Community,

With deep sadness, we are writing to share tragic news. Kayla Finegan, a junior in the College of Education and Human Development's Early Childhood/Elementary Education program, died unexpectedly on Thursday. 

On behalf of everyone at the College, we want to extend our deepest condolences to Kayla's family, friends, classmates, and all others who knew her personally. 

The death of a community member is heartbreaking, and it can take a significant emotional toll on us all. We encourage anyone in need of support to contact Tuttleman Counseling Services, which provides a variety of resources for both individuals and groups. You can find more information by visiting Tuttleman's website or calling 215-204-7276.


Gregory M. Anderson
Dean and Professor of Higher Education

Michael W. Smith
Professor and Chair
Department of Teaching and Learning