
Linn Posey-Maddox is a professor of urban education in the Department of Policy, Organizational and Leadership Studies in the College of Education and Human Development. Before joining the Temple faculty, she served as a professor of educational policy studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and as an affiliate of the Departments of African American Studies and Sociology and the Institute for Research on Poverty. Dr. Posey-Maddox’s research and teaching interests focus on education in cities and metropolitan regions, education and urban policy, and family-school relationships. She is the author of When Middle-Class Parents Choose Urban Schools: Class, Race, and the Challenge of Equity in Public Education (University of Chicago Press). Her work has been funded by the Spencer Foundation and Ford Foundation. Professor Posey-Maddox received her MA and PhD in social and cultural studies in education from the University of California, Berkeley.

Research Interests

  • Race
  • Sociology
  • Urban Education

Courses Taught




URBE 5611

Reforming City Schools


Selected Publications


  • Posey-Maddox, L. (2023). Race Lessons: The Role of Place in Shaping Black Parents’ Racial Learning and Educational Engagement in a Predominantly White Suburb. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 9(2), pp. 150-163. SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/23326492221134705

  • Diamond, J.B., Posey-Maddox, L., & Velázquez, M.D. (2021). Reframing Suburbs: Race, Place, and Opportunity in Suburban Educational Spaces. Educational Researcher, 50(4), pp. 249-255. American Educational Research Association (AERA). doi: 10.3102/0013189x20972676

  • POSEY-MADDOX, L., ROYSTON, M.M.d.e., HOLMAN, A.R., RALL, R.M., & JOHNSON, R.A. (2021). No Choice Is the “Right” Choice: Black Parents’ Educational Decision-Making in Their Search for a “Good” School. Harvard Educational Review, 91(1), pp. 38-61. Harvard Education Publishing Group. doi: 10.17763/1943-5045-91.1.38

  • Diamond, J.B. & Posey-Maddox, L. (2020). The Changing Terrain of the Suburbs: Examining Race, Class, and Place in Suburban Schools and Communities. Equity & Excellence in Education, 53(1-2), pp. 7-13. Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/10665684.2020.1758975