
Dr. Sabina Neugebauer is an associate professor of literacy in the College of Education and Human Development at Temple University. Dr. Neugebauer’s research focuses on the language and literacy development of students in urban elementary and middle schools. Her work explores two aspects of efficacious reading: vocabulary and reading motivation. She investigates these two facets of reading at three complementary levels of analysis (individual, classroom and school context) to more comprehensively identify ways to support students in achieving equitable educational outcomes. Her scholarship identifies prominent sources of reading differences between individuals, evaluates classroom practices that empower student success, and designs assessments to help schools increase their use of evidence-based programs school-wide.

Dr. Neugebauer’s research has been supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, Spencer Foundation, and U.S. Department of Education to improve the schooling experiences of multilingual students. She is the recipient of the Outstanding Early Career Scholar Award from AERA’s Division C, Learning and Instruction, and the International Literacy Association’s Elva Knight award. She is an associate editor for the Elementary School Journal and her work has been featured in journals including the Journal of Educational Psychology, Reading Research Quarterly, Journal of Literacy Research and the Reading Teacher. She is a coauthor of Interventions for Reading Problems: Designing and Evaluating Effective Strategies, published by Guilford Press, and Indigenous Knowledge and Education: Sites of Struggle, Strength and Survivance, published by Harvard Educational Publishing Group. Her recent book is titled Reimagining Language Instruction: New Approaches to Promoting Equity published by Teachers College Press.

She received her doctorate from Harvard University and her BA from Wesleyan University. She has served as a reading interventionist and collaborated with urban schools in the United States and in Latin America to develop multilingual, multi-tiered, and digital reading programs.

Research Interests

  • Equity
  • Literacy
  • Motivation

Courses Taught




TESL 3631

Principles and Practice for Teaching English Learners


TESL 5631

Foundations of Language Teaching: Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners


EDUC 8503

Learning to Read


Selected Publications

  • Blair, E.E., Sandilos, L.E., Ellis, E., & Neugebauer, S.R. (2024). Teachers survive together: Teacher collegial relationships and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sch Psychol, 39(5), pp. 499-509. United States. doi: 10.1037/spq0000596

  • Neugebauer, S.R., Sandilos, L., DiPerna, J., Hunter, L., Hart, S.C., & Ellis, E. (2023). 41 Teachers, 41 Different Ways. The Elementary School Journal, 124(1), pp. 157-192. University of Chicago Press. doi: 10.1086/725675

  • Neugebauer, S.R., Galloway, E.P., & Dobbs, C.L. (2023). Reimagining Language Instruction New Approaches to Promoting Equity.

  • Hunter, L.J., DiPerna, J.C., Hart, S.C., Neugebauer, S., & Lei, P. (2022). Examining teacher approaches to implementation of a classwide SEL program. Sch Psychol, 37(4), pp. 285-297. United States. doi: 10.1037/spq0000502

  • Gilmour, A.F., Neugebauer, S.R., & Sandilos, L.E. (2022). Moderators of the Association Between Teaching Students With Disabilities and General Education Teacher Turnover. EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN, 88(4), pp. 401-420. doi: 10.1177/00144029221081239

  • Neugebauer, S.R., Han, I., Fujimoto, K.A., & Ellis, E. (2022). Using National Data to Explore Online and Offline Reading Comprehension Processes. READING RESEARCH QUARTERLY. doi: 10.1002/rrq.459

  • Neugebauer, S.R. & Howard, E.R. (2021). Exploring conceptions of reading risk and program-specific literacy outcomes for Spanish speakers in dual language and English-medium programs. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 9(2), pp. 252-278. doi: 10.1075/jicb.20021.neu

  • Neugebauer, S.R., Coyne, M., McCoach, D.B., & Ware, S. (2021). Reframing adherence: Active ingredients and impromptu interactions that support vocabulary implementation effectiveness. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 56, pp. 52-64. doi: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2021.02.004

  • Neugebauer, S.R., Ellis, E., & Coyne, M. (2021). Making Personal Connections to Words to Increase Early Childhood Vocabulary Learning. Reading Teacher. doi: 10.1002/trtr.2052

  • Neugebauer, S.R., Morrison, D., Karahalios, V., Harper, E., Jones, H., Lenihan, S., Oosterbaan, F., & Tindall, C. (2021). A Collaborative Model to Support K-12 Pre-Service Teachers’ Data-Based Decision Making in Schools: Integrating Data Discussions across Stakeholders, Spaces, and Subjects. Action in Teacher Education, 43(1), pp. 85-101. doi: 10.1080/01626620.2020.1842821

  • Neugebauer, S.R. & Fujimoto, K.A. (2020). Distinct and Overlapping Dimensions of Reading Motivation in Commonly Used Measures in Schools. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 46(1), pp. 39-54. doi: 10.1177/1534508418819793

  • Neugebauer, S.R. & Blair, E.E. (2020). “I Know How to Read and All, but..”: Disciplinary Reading Constructions of Middle School Students of Color. Journal of Literacy Research, 52(3), pp. 316-340. doi: 10.1177/1086296X20938780

  • Fujimoto, K.A. & Neugebauer, S.R. (2020). A General Bayesian Multidimensional Item Response Theory Model for Small and Large Samples. Educ Psychol Meas, 80(4), pp. 665-694. United States. doi: 10.1177/0013164419891205

  • Neugebauer, S., Sandilos, L., Coyne, M., McCoach, D.B., & Ware, S. (2020). Highly Potent and Vastly Conditional Instructional Practices: Variations in Use and Utility of Language Interactions for Kindergarten. Early Education and Development, 31(4), pp. 541-560. doi: 10.1080/10409289.2019.1686928

  • Neugebauer, S.R., Hopkins, M., & Spillane, J.P. (2019). Social sources of teacher self-efficacy: The Potency of teacher interactions and proximity to instruction. Teachers College Record, 121(4).

  • Neugebauer, S.R., Hopkins, M., & Spillane, J.P. (2019). Social sources of teacher self-efficacy: The Potency of teacher interactions and proximity to instruction. Teachers College Record, 121(4).

  • Neugebauer, S.R. & Gilmour, A.F. (2019). The Ups and Downs of Reading Across Content Areas: The Association Between Instruction and Fluctuations in Reading Motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology. doi: 10.1037/edu0000373