June 2022

At a recent high school graduation, one of the faculty reminded the students that life, like design, is an iterative process.  While technically, to iterate is an act of repetition, it is doing so in a way to work toward a desired outcome with the result of each single iteration serving as the starting point for the next step.  Temple’s College of Education and Human Development is no different.  This month, we transition our leadership from Dean Anderson to Interim Dean Davis. This iteration involves leadership change; however, our goal remains the same as we look to support the excellent work of our alumni, students, staff and faculty in promoting education as a primary mechanism for social mobility for all learners.

Interim Dean Davis is returning to the role in which he served from 2010 to 2013.  Dr. Davis is the Bernard C. Watson Chair in Urban Education and a Professor of Higher Education in CEHD. He has an explicit concern for gender equity in education, and his research provides new insights into how social contexts of education inform racial and gender experiences and expressions.  His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Department of Education, the Spencer Foundation, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the William Penn Foundation.  In addition to Temple, Dean Davis has held faculty appointments at the University of Delaware (where he served on my executive position paper committee for my doctorate) and Cornell University where he earned his PhD. Throughout his career, he has been instrumental in advancing collaborative university relationships with schools, districts, and community-based organizations. In the coming months, Interim Dean Davis and I are looking to share highlights of what is happening in CEHD in a variety of formats locally and across the nation. If you would be interested in hosting an informational event, let me know at ed.stoner@temple.edu.

Also, in this newsletter, you can learn a little more about the iterative research activities of our alumni, such as Dara Ruiz-Whalen ’95, ’01, our faculty such as Maia Cucchiara, Associate Professor of Urban Education, and students like Jessica Tilli.

You are an important part of the Temple CEHD community, and we want to hear what you are doing and the iterations happening in your life, so let us hear from you. Share your updates with alumni.ed@temple.edu or on social media using #TempleCEHD.

With Gratitude,

Ed Stoner, EdD
Assistant Dean of Development and Alumni Relations
College of Education and Human Development
Temple University