Requests for rooms and computers labs in the college can be a bit confusing.
Please use these typical scenarios as a guide. If you are . . .
Internal (CoEd) Requestors:
- A College of Education and Human Development instructor requesting a classroom or computer lab for an entire semester: Submit your request to your Academic Coordinator who then works with David Devenney in the Dean’s Office to find appropriate space.
- A College of Education and Human Development instructor requesting a classroom or computer lab for one or more (but typically less than 6*) meetings during the semester: Submit your CoEd Room Request online. Requests go to Valerie Williams in the Dean's Office who manages all internal Education special events/meetings scheduling.
- A College of Education and Human Development instructor, faculty, or staff person requesting a computer lab/meeting space/classroom for special event/meeting/training session/etc. (e.g. not a regularly scheduled class). Submit your CoEd Room Request online. Requests go to Valerie Williams in the Dean's Office who manages all internal Education special events/meetings scheduling.
- A College of Education and Human Development instructor, faculty, or staff person requesting a computer lab/meeting space/classroom OUTSIDE of Ritter Hall/Annex or College-controlled space (e.g. Tuttleman or Alter Hall) for a special event/meeting/training/etc: access the “Room Request System” under TUApplications on TUPortal.
External Requestors:
- A Non-College of Education and Human Development instructor requesting a classroom or computer lab for the entire semester: Submit your request through your appropriate school/college scheduling process (varies by school/college).
- A Non-College of Education and Human Development instructor requesting a computer lab in the ECC (RH310A or RH310B) for one or more (but typically less than 6*) meetings during the semester: Submit your request via TUhelp and please enter "Greg Szczepanek" in "Support Staff Name". Greg confirms on a space-available basis; requests from those in the College of Education and Human Development receive priority.
- A Non-College of Education and Human Development instructor, faculty or staff person requesting a computer lab or classroom for a special event/meeting/training session/etc (e.g. not a regularly scheduled class): access the “Room Request System” under TUApplications on TUPortal.
Please contact the following individuals should you have questions regarding:
Classroom and Lab assignments - Val Williams
Computer Labs and Technology operation in classrooms – Greg Szczepanek
*Note: if your regularly scheduled course needs to meet in an alternative space for more than 6 meetings during the semester, we typically try to MOVE the course to the new location, rather than trying to schedule some meetings in one room and some meetings in another. This, of course, depends on availability.