The College of Education and Human Development's School Psychology program hosted its 37th annual School Psychology Conference on March 2nd. Nearly 200 practitioners, faculty, and students attended sessions that included information on a variety of topics relevant to the field of school psychology. These topics included how to address the opioid crisis, how to appropriately and accurately assess English language learners, and how to provide trauma-focused interventions for students with conduct disorder, among many others. For its 37th year, the conference hosted attendees...
Jean Boyer, associate professor and school psychology student, Melissa Holloway, led a school crisis training at Duquesne University on March 1-2, 2018. The two-day training involved working with school personnel on essential responses in an increasingly crisis-impacted educational climate. While the training was scheduled before the school shooting in Parkland, FL that claimed the lives of 17 people, there was certainly a nod to the potential crisis scenarios that school psychologists have to be prepared to face. The trainings offered strategies in being proactive about...
Amanda Guld Fisher, assistant professor in the College of Education and Human Development, has announced the release of her recent book regarding assessment and intervention for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). She co-authored the book with Jessica Glass Kendorski, professor at Philadelphia College for Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) and a graduate of Temple's School Psychology program. Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evidence-Based Assessment and Intervention is focused on examining the historical and current practices in developing interventions for children...
Sara Goldrick-Rab, professor of higher education policy and sociology discusses why free college is an investment that will pay off in growth and innovation in a recent The Wall Street Journal article.Read the full article.
Doug Lombardi, assistant professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning, has earned the prestigious Early Career Research Award through the National Association for Research in Science Teaching: A Worldwide Organization for Improving Teaching and Learning Through Research. Recipients of this award demonstrate potential in educational research and have proven to be prolific contributors to their field within the first five years of receiving their doctorate. Lombardi has made significant contributions to the field of science education through his work with pre-service...
Bill McDonough EDU '89 is the President and CEO of Constellation, a "growing partnership of mutual liability insurers that unite to provide solutions and support to physicians", such as insurance for medical malpractice lawsuits and providing stress management for both the physicians and the injured patients. Based out of Saint Paul, MN, Bill's main role is to provide leadership in both financial and operational direction.Watch a video profile in which McDonough encourages students to discover their value proposition and learn how to sell themselves to potential employers.
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) has selected James Earl Davis, Bernard C. Watson Endowed Chair in Urban Education and Professor of Higher Education and Educational Leadership as a 2018 AERA Fellow. He joins Dr. Frank Farley and the late Dr. Glen Snelbecker as distinguished Temple faculty receiving this honor. AERA Fellows have obtained nomination from their peers, have undergone selection from the Fellows Committee, and are then approved by the AERA Council. As stated by AERA's Executive Director, Felice J. Levine, "AERA Fellows exemplify the highest...
The $1.1 million grant will leverage a $1.3 million grant awarded in 2014 by Choice Neighborhood Initiative. Since 2014, STEM has been incorporated into each school day at Dunbar and Duckrey with hands-on projects. This work has been led by James Davis (Principal Investigator), professor of higher education and Meghan Raisch, assistant director who will oversee the 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) grant. The $1.1 million CCLC grant will provide further resources to increase the chances that the 250 Kindergarten-8th grade students are accepted to magnet high...
Photo Credit: Ryan S. Brandenberg In an effort to combat food insecurity on campus, Temple is opening a food pantry in the Howard Gittis Student Center. Sara Goldrick-Rab, professor of higher education policy and sociology and her team at the Wisconsin HOPE lab, along with Temple's Office of Institutional Research and Assessment established a survey aimed at measuring student responses regarding their overall college experience. Part of this survey addressed issues of food insecurity and determined that approximately 35 percent of undergraduate students are not secure in...
Shondricka Burrell, who is pursuing a PhD in education with a concentration in science education, is one of the most recent recipients of the CADRE Fellowship through the National Science Foundation. CADRE, which stands for the Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education, is a fellowship that works to build the capacity of students and early career professionals as they begin to pursue careers in STEM education research. Motivated by her own experience, Shondricka discusses the importance of building access and equity in K-12 education. Shondricka has drawn on her...
Photo Credit: Ryan S. Brandenberg The College of Education and Human Development's Intergenerational Center will serve as a key partner in two Philadelphia city grants aimed at assisting North Philadelphia youth. The IGC will work in collaboration with the Center for Social Policy and Community Development (CSPCD), Temple University Health System, and the District 1199C Training...
At Temple University, the Temple Teacher Residency (TTR) provides tuition awards and stipends to students in the university's intensive one-year MEd program, which prepares veterans and others who have STEM undergraduate degrees to become middle school STEM teachers. Although the residency is open to all students with an undergraduate degree in science or math, each of the program's three cohorts has included one veteran as a result of active recruitment by Temple through Troops to Teachers.TTR is hands-on, with participants working with a teacher-mentor in a school throughout...
Photo Credit: Patrick Clark Sara Goldrick-Rab, professor of higher education policy and sociology, raised $133,000 for her Faculty and Student Together Fund, which will be available to students in financial need at the end of January. The FAST Fund will help students struggling financially by covering the cost of expenses other than tuition, like commuter car payments, textbook fees and housing. Funds came from private donors, Goldrick-Rab's public speaking fees and the proceeds of Goldrick-Rab's book, "Paying the Price: College Costs, Financial Aid, and the Betrayal of the...
Sara Goldrick-Rab, professor of higher education policy and sociology wrote an op ed in The New York Times on college student food insecurity. Goldrick-Rab reflects on the current challenges that affect college student success and learning. She asserts that "hunger and homelessness routinely undermine students' very ability to learn."Read the full op ed via The New York Times.
In recognition of university-based scholars in the United States who are doing the most to shape educational practice and policy, Rick Hess of EducationWeek released the 2018 Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings. In this year's ranking, Sara Goldrick-Rab, professor of higher education policy and sociology was ranked seventh, three spots up from her 2017 ranking. As far as attention in the education press, Goldrick-Rab topped the charts. Goldrick-Rab has been ranked for seven consecutive years. Her previous rankings are as follows:2017: 10th 2016: 13th 2015: 29th 2014: 62nd...
For Diana "D" Rich, a 19-year-old from Massachusetts who has cerebral palsy, the sun can really cloud her ability to communicate: Its glare makes it nearly impossible for her to use her eye-tracking communication assistance device outdoors, limiting her ability to select letters and words with sight. "Communication is so integrated into D's lifestyle—it bothers me almost as much as it does D when she can't communicate," said Kevin Rafferty, her teacher at HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy in West Philadelphia. The solution, it turned out, was in some...
The Bailey-III Social Emotional scale is a test that assesses the developmental functioning of infants and toddlers. The test examines factors of development based on cognitive, language, motor, social-emotional, and adaptive behavior. The study conducted by Dr. Laura Pendergast, Linda Ruan, and Brittney Williams is an exploratory factor analysis of the Bayley III social emotional scale across the following eight low-and middle-income international sites: Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Nepal, Peru, Pakistan, South Africa and Tanzania. The preliminary research was conducted in...
Nearly 500 7th graders visited Temple's Main Campus to explore Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs at Dobbins, Randolph, and Mastbaum CTE High Schools in the School District of Philadelphia. The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Fair is in its third year and has provided valuable experiences to Philadelphia students who may be interested in attending college. High school students from the three schools showcased their CTE programs to the 7th graders with hands-on demonstrations and enthusiastic explanations for how their programs will help them succeed in college...