Ritter Hall

As we enter a new decade and begin the next century for the College of Education and Human Development, it's an opportune time to reflect on the accomplishments and happenings from the past year. Below is a selection of highlights from 2019.

The College of Education and Human Development Celebrates its 100th Anniversary

For 100 years, the College of Education and Human Development at Temple University has been known for its excellence and leadership in its efforts to improve teaching and learning, particularly within the context of urban education. Throughout this time, the College of Education and Human Development has served as an educational resource and training ground for the Philadelphia community and beyond. In 2019, the College of Education and Human Development celebrated its 100th anniversary with a speaker series, as well as a special Homecoming tailgate. 

College of Education and Human Development Surges in Best Graduate Schools of Education Ranking

The College of Education and Human Development ascended to 45th in the 2020 U.S. News & World Report Best Graduate Schools of Education ranking. The College of Education and Human Development rose six spots in the Best Graduate Schools of Education ranking since 2019. For 2020, the College of Education and Human Development is ranked in the top 50 of more than 250 schools and colleges of education and 36th among public institutions.

The College of Education and Human Development Welcomes New Faculty

The College of Education and Human Development proudly welcomed eleven faculty members for the 2019-2020 academic year. With research interests ranging from improving technology use in the classroom to the intersection of institutional effectiveness and student success, these faculty members are poised to make an impact in the College of Education and Human Development and across Temple University. 

College of Education and Human Development Partners on Initiative to Diversify Educator Workforce

The College of Education and Human Development's Dean Gregory M. Anderson and Juliet D. Curci, assistant dean of college access and persistence, joined the Pennsylvania Department of Education to announce the launch of Aspiring to Educate, a pilot program that aims to cultivate and diversify Pennsylvania's educator pool. The program is a partnership between PDE, the School District of Philadelphia, Temple University, youth and education organizations, and several other local institutions of higher education.

Several College of Education and Human Development Programs and Centers Received Grants

A number of the College of Education and Human Development's programs and centers received grants in 2019, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • The Urban Youth Leadership Academy received a grant from the Lasko Family Foundation to expand programming to help prepare middle school students for success in high school, college and careers.
  • Temple Teacher Residency received a five-year grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Education and Troops to Teachers to recruit veterans to the teaching field.
  • Temple was selected as a recipient of a four-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education to re-fund its Child Care Access Means Parents in Schools (CCAMPIS) Program run through the College of Education and Human Development's Family, School and Community Lab. CCAMPIS provides free child care, academic success workshops, peer networking opportunities and individualized support.
  • Through the support of an 18-month grant from the Lumina Foundation, The Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice launched a new initiative, "The Real Price of College: Improving Estimates of Demonstrated Financial Need." The project will help six Texas colleges and universities address college affordability issues. 

College of Education and Human Development Alumni Honored in 2019

Several College of Education and Human Development alumni were honored in 2019. Below are a select few.