Student Appeals System: Temple University - College of Education and Human Development
The ombudsperson's role is to mediate disputes arising over an academic issue within the College and to make the parties aware of the various policies that have bearing on the case. The goal is to bring the dispute to a quick resolution.
Whenever a student has a grievance, the College encourages the student to address his or her concern with the professor to seek an informal resolution without the assistance of outside parties. When that cannot be achieved, the student is encouraged to contact the ombudsperson to begin the formal appeal process. The ombudsperson helps the student negotiate the various levels of the process.
- The student files a formal appeal and asks the ombudsperson to meet with the student and the professor. The objective at this level is to seek an informal resolution. If the issue is not resolved to student's satisfaction,
- The student can write to the department chairperson asking him or her to preside at a Level II meeting with the student, professor and ombudsperson. The objective at this level is to have another review of the student's work. The chairperson can make a formal decision on the matter. If the issue is not resolved to the student's satisfaction (or the professor's satisfaction) in the event that the chairperson renders a decision,
- Either party may appeal the dispute to the dean's office for a Level III hearing before the Collegial Appeals Board (comprised of faculty members appointed via the bylaws of the College as well as a graduate student and an undergraduate student, each appointed by the dean).
For more information, see: Student Appeals System [pdf] (Adobe® Reader® required)
Begin the appeal process online: Ombudsperson Grade Appeal Form
Ombudsperson Contact
Carol B. Brandt
Office of Ombudsperson
Temple University College of Education and Human Development
1301 Cecil B. Moore Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19122-6091
Office Hours by appointment
Phone: 215-204-8001